Solutions for a healthier,
sustainable future
Products and services
Westan Growers is a full service crop protection company with 4 licensed Pest Control Advisors. When it comes to keeping your crops safe, our advisors have the training, knowledge and expertise to assist you in growing high yielding, healthy crops.
About us
Westan Growers was founded in 1935 as West Stanislaus Bean Growers and later became West Stanislaus Growers Association until 2007 when a partnership was formed with Mid Valley Agricultural Services, Inc. and then became West Valley Agricultural Services, LLC., dba: Westan Growers. We have 13 people on staff, most have been with the company 25 to 43 years.
Latest News
Schools Rules Revised, Open for Comments
March 21, 2017
The California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) released a revised proposal for regulating the use of agricultural pesticides near school sites and licensed child day care facilities. The revised draft regulation reflects extensive public input received during the most recent round of public review, which included three formal hearings and ended in December.
2017 California Processing Tomato Report
January 19, 2017
The USDA-NASS Pacific Regional Office surveyed California’s tomato processors for their intended contract acreage and tonnage for the upcoming 2017 season. The data reported by processors was either tonnage with derived acreage, or acreage with derived tonnage.