About Westan Growers
Westan Growers is a full service crop protection company with 4 licensed Pest Control Advisors. When it comes to keeping your crops safe, our advisors have the training, knowledge and expertise to assist you in growing high yielding, healthy crops.
Our Company

Westan Growers was founded in 1935 as West Stanislaus Bean Growers and later became West Stanislaus Growers Association until 2007 when a partnership was formed with Mid Valley Agricultural Services, Inc. and then became West Valley Agricultural Services, LLC., dba: Westan Growers. We have 13 people on staff, most have been with the company 25 to 43 years.
Licensed Pest Control Advisors (PCA's)
Roy Haile, PCA
Rob Brooks
Crop Specialties: Trees, Vines and Row Crops
Education & Experience: BS degree in Crop Science from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, PCA, CCA, 26 years field experience.
Matthew Foster
Crop Specialties: Almonds, walnuts, apricots, cherries, alfalfa, beans.
Education & Experience: AA Degree from Modesto Jr College, PCA, 8 years field experience.
Zachary Yoppini
Crop Specialties: Tomatoes, melons, sweet corn, field corn, almonds, apricots, walnuts, cherries, beans and wine grapes.
Education & Experience: BS Degree in Plant Science with Plant Health option from CSU Fresno. PCA, 3 years field experience.